From Sales to Surface Design: Claire’s Story

Today, I am thrilled to spotlight Claire Gentry, one of my students who started in surface pattern design by taking my beginner’s course: From Doodles to Dollars®. Claire's journey from a seasoned sales professional to a passionate surface designer is a testament to resilience and reinvention. Here’s a glimpse into Claire's world. I think you’ll find this summer spotlight inspiring.

A Southern Background and a Career Shift

Claire lives in Lafayette, Louisiana, the heart of Cajun country. As a mother of two—one in college and one in high school—Claire spent over 20 years in sales, most recently as a pharmaceutical sales representative. Her life took a significant turn at 55 when she was unexpectedly laid off. Facing age-related biases in the job market, Claire decided to pivot and pursue her lifelong passion for art.

"I decided I needed to reinvent myself," Claire explained. "I started soaking up as many classes as I could, which is how I came across Anne. I joined her Wednesday chats and was hooked. I took her From Doodles to Dollars® course, and it was a game-changer."

Discovering Art During Adversity

Claire's love for art began in childhood when she was diagnosed with leukemia at eight. Quarantined at home, Claire’s grandmother's friend gifted her a set of watercolor pencils and paper. This act of kindness sparked a lifelong passion for art. Claire recalled, "My parents fed my passion for art. My dad even built me a drafting table, which I still use."

Even during her sales career, Claire kept her artistic spirit alive by painting pet portraits. "I always did art on the side. People love their pets, so pet portraits were an easy marketable type of commissioned artwork," she shared.

The Transition to Surface Design

Claire's transition to surface design was fueled by her desire for more mentorship and learning opportunities. She progressed from my From Doodles to Dollars® course to The Pattern Design Academy® and eventually joined my monthly membership Anne’s Atelier for on-going guidance, accountability and networking opportunities to expand her creative business. "Anne's mentorship has been invaluable. She has a knack for fixing patterns and providing detailed feedback," Claire said.

Claire's work in surface design includes a variety of creative endeavors. She uses her pet portraits as a niche to attract subscribers to her email list through her new Instagram account and Zazzle store. "I’m focusing on attracting subscribers through my pet art and then expanding from there," Claire explained.

Exploring New Opportunities with KDP

Claire's entrepreneurial spirit led her to explore Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) where Claire is creating her own niche planners for sales representatives. "I know the market well from my years in pharmaceutical sales. I’m making the planners inspirational and practical, allowing reps to track their sales goals, expenses, mileage, and daily tasks," Claire detailed.

She is excited about the potential of KDP as a new income stream. "Amazon's reach is global, and their KDP platform is a great way to start. Eventually, I might find my own manufacturer and use Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) to take it further," she said.

From Art to Literature: A New Venture

Claire's creative journey doesn't stop at surface design. She is also working on publishing her novel through KDP. The cover, inspired by her parents' front porch and Louisiana's landscape, features a French press coffee maker, demi-tasse cups, and a little French bulldog. "I’ve drawn everything up and just need to watercolor it," Claire shared excitedly. "Using Amazon’s KDP platform, I can market and sell my novel without waiting for an agent."

Advice for Aspiring Artists and Entrepreneurs

Claire's advice for others looking to follow a similar path is practical and encouraging. "Take Anne's From Doodles to Dollars® course to get started in surface pattern design. It's a fantastic course which then led me to take her more advanced course: The Pattern Design Academy®. Once I finished that fabulous program, I enrolled in her membership, Anne's Atelier, to stay connected with her community of talented and unique creative entrepreneurs and to get the on-going support and mentorship I need. Don’t wait to get started. Adding surface design to your existing creative skills opens so many new doors."

Claire Gentry’s journey from sales to surface design is inspiring. Her ability to turn challenges into opportunities and her relentless pursuit of her passion for art serve as a powerful reminder that, as I always like to say: It's Never Too Late To Create®. Start your re-invention today!

Explore Claire’s artwork in her Zazzle store and on her website. Stay tuned for her upcoming novel, which promises to transport us to the charming world of South Louisiana.

Want to learn more about surface pattern design? Grab my free ebook here.

Don’t forget to join me LIVE on Wednesday on my Facebook business page or on my YouTube channel. I’m live at noon pacific time which is 3pm eastern time. Also, if you enjoyed this blog please share it with your friends and family. I’d really appreciate it.





It’s Never Too Late to Create®

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.

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