3 Tips to Elevate Your Repeating Patterns

Surface pattern design is an intricate art form that combines creativity with technical skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced designer, there's always room to enhance your patterns and make them stand out. Let’s explore three effective strategies to improve your surface pattern designs: doubling the size of your repeat box, turning your repeat into a half drop, and adding a background texture. These techniques will not only add complexity and interest to your designs but also give them a professional touch.

1. Double the Size of Your Repeat Box

One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to enhance your surface pattern designs is by doubling the size of your repeat box. This technique involves enlarging the repeat box and repeating your design both across and down and then enhancing the elements inside the repeat box - anything that’s not touching the perimeter. Here’s why and how doubling the size can improve your design:


  • Enhanced Visual Impact: A larger repeat box allows for more nuanced use of the same motifs. It provides more options to showcase existing elements in new and different ways.

  • Reduced Repetition: Increasing the size of the repeat box and changing up the elements within it, helps both hide the repeat and makes the pattern look less obvious.

  • Versatility: Larger repeats can be scaled down for different applications without losing detail, offering more flexibility for various products.

How to Double the Size:

  1. Create a New Background Box: Start by creating a new background box that is double the size of your original. For example, if your original repeat is 10x10 inches, your new background box should be 20x20 inches.

  2. Copy the Core Repeat Elements: Copy your original design both to the right and down to fill the new background box. Make sure to follow my Three Golden Rules to avoid creating an mistakes.

  3. Adjust and Refine: Adjust the placement, orientation, and color of elements within the repeat to ensure a seamless flow. This is a good opportunity to add more details and refine your design.

Doubling the size of your repeat box can transform a simple pattern into a more sophisticated design that captures attention and adds flair to your portfolio.

2. Turn Your Repeat into a Half Drop

Another powerful technique to elevate your surface pattern designs is to turn your repeat into a half drop. A half drop repeat shifts the design elements vertically by half the height of the repeat, creating a staggered effect. This method is widely used in textiles and wallpapers due to its ability to create visually appealing and dynamic patterns.


  • Increased Visual Interest: The staggered arrangement breaks up the monotony of straight repeats, adding movement and rhythm to the design.

  • Improved Seamlessness: Half drop repeats can mask the edges of the repeat better, making the overall pattern appear more seamless and continuous.

  • Professional Look: This technique is often used by professional designers and manufacturers, giving your patterns a polished and sophisticated appearance.

How to Create a Half Drop Repeat: Email me if you want a video tutorial. This is hard to explain in words…

  1. Original Repeat: Start with your original repeat.

  2. Create a New Background Box that’s twice the length: For instance, if your repeat background is 10x10 inches, make it 20x10 inches.

  3. Copy and Move Horizontally and Vertically: You’ll do this twice. Once to duplicate the repeat across and down halfway. And once to duplicate the repeat across and up halfway.

  4. Adjustments: You’ll have extra motifs above and below your new background box. Delete anything that doesn’t overlap the perimeter. Adjust the motifs along the edges, some may need to be copied to the opposite side to ensure you’re following my Three Golden Rules.

  5. Test the Repeat: Test the new repeat to check for any visible seams or misalignments. Make necessary adjustments to achieve a properly balanced pattern.

Turning your repeat into a half drop can breathe new life into your designs, making them more dynamic and engaging.

3. Add a Background Texture

The third technique to improve your surface pattern designs is to add a background texture. Background textures can add depth, richness, and complexity to your patterns, making them more visually appealing. They can range from subtle textures that add a hint of dimension to bold textures that become a key element of the design.


  • Added Depth: A textured background can create a sense of depth, making the design appear more layered and interesting.

  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: Textures can enhance the overall look of the pattern, adding an extra layer of detail and sophistication.

  • Versatility: Different textures can evoke different moods and styles, from rustic and natural to sleek and modern.

How to Add a Background Texture:

  1. Choose a Texture: Select a texture that complements your design. This can be anything from a subtle paper grain to a bold watercolor wash. You can create your own texture or use digital resources.

  2. Overlay the Texture: Place the texture layer behind your repeat unit. Adjust the opacity if necessary to ensure the texture enhances rather than overwhelms the design.

  3. Adjust as Needed: Integrate the texture with your design by playing with the opacity, contrast, and saturation to achieve the desired effect.

  4. Test the Pattern: Tile your repeat with the added texture to ensure it looks good when repeated. Make any necessary adjustments to maintain a cohesive look.

Adding a background texture can elevate your designs, making them more engaging and aesthetically pleasing.

If you’d like to see me demo these techniques, send me an email at anne@annelafollette.com. I’ll send you info on how to access my video trainings.

Improving your surface pattern designs involves exploring different techniques and pushing the boundaries of your creativity. By doubling the size of your repeat box, turning your repeat into a half drop, and adding a background texture, you can create designs that are visually stunning and professionally polished. These techniques not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your patterns but also open up new possibilities for their application across various products and surfaces. Experiment with these methods, and watch your designs transform into captivating works of art.

Join me LIVE this Wednesday, May 29 at noon pacific / 3pm eastern for my weekly Wednesday broadcast about art, creativity and surface design. I’ll be live on my Facebook business page and on my YouTube channel.



P.S. Don’t forget to grab my free ebook on how to create a side hustle, a new career or simply enjoy a hobby in Surface Pattern Design. Click HERE to grab it.

It’s Never Too Late to Create®

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.


3 Keys to Enhance Your Surface Pattern Designs


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