What’s Up With Online Courses?

Things are changing in the world of online courses and guess what? This is great news for YOU! Since the pandemic, it’s become crystal clear that information is no longer a scarce resource. Information is everywhere, all the time, and it’s mostly free. Information used to be valuable because it was scarce. But that’s no longer the case. We’re blasted with information constantly.

What has, in contrast, become very valuable is…. our time! It’s a scarce resource to be cherished and protected. How you decide to spend your time each day is one of the most important decisions you make.

You might be wondering, how does this impact online courses? We still love to learn new skills and want to do so in the most effective way possible. Our thirst for knowledge is still the driving force behind our desire for personal and professional growth. Learning something new rekindles our sense of wonder and curiosity. It reconnects us with the joy of exploring uncharted territory and the satisfaction of overcoming challenges.

So… What’s up with online courses? They need to be reimagined in order to meet your needs and address your most valuable resource: time.

To address this new reality, I’ve updated my signature program, The Pattern Design Academy®, because I’ve always believed that learning is an adventure that should be accessible, enjoyable and profoundly impactful. I’ve reimagined your experience in the program in order to go beyond the traditional online learning experience and offer you ease, efficiency and faster results.

More Than Just a Course - A Community

One of the standout features of The Pattern Design Academy® is our commitment to community and connection. Unlike massive online courses where you can feel like just another face in the crowd, my program prides itself on small class sizes. This approach ensures that every student receives the personal support they need to not only learn but excel.

This personal attention and community-centric approach extends into every aspect of the course. You join a specific class “cohort” in order to get more value from the interactive lessons and the vibrant discussions that spark creativity and inspiration. You’re not just signing up for a course; you’re joining a family of like-minded creatives who are going through an exceptional experience together.

Accountability Pods: Your Personal Cheering Squad

I understand that learning online can sometimes feel isolating. To combat this, The Pattern Design Academy® now offers accountability pods. These small, student-led groups serve as your personal cheering section, helping you stay motivated and engaged throughout the course.

Accountability pods meet weekly, providing a platform for discussing course material, sharing challenges, and celebrating achievements. They are not just about keeping you on track; they’re about forging connections, many of which last a lifetime and connect you with other creatives across the globe.

Collaborative Learning Through Co-Working Sessions

Another distinctive, and new, feature of the course is co-working sessions. These sessions are designed to mirror a collaborative studio environment, where students can work through lessons together in real time. It’s an opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback, ensuring you never feel lost or alone in your learning journey.

These sessions are perfect for those who thrive in interactive settings where learning is a shared experience. They highlight my commitment to not just educating but engaging all students in a way that traditional online courses can’t achieve.

Enrich Your Career and Personal Life

The skills you gain in The Pattern Design Academy® go well beyond designing repeating patterns for the surface pattern design industry. Whether you’re looking to start a new creative career, enhance your existing skills, or explore a new hobby, the course is designed to open a world of opportunities. The business skills shared in the program help you determine the best next steps for you in your creative journey. Graduates have become licensed designers, freelance wallpaper designers, creative membership owners and much, much more. Getting access to their experiences is truly exceptional.

Flexibility Meets Accessibility

We understand that life is unpredictable and busy. That’s why The Pattern Design Academy® now offers a “learn at your own pace” schedule. It’s still incredibly convenient to learn new skills from the comfort of your own home. But now, you can move on to the next segment in the class when you’re ready. Not on a fixed pre-determined schedule. Our online platform has always been accessible 24/7, and now so is the core content.

Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, the course adapts to your schedule, making education as accessible and convenient as possible. This flexibility means that nothing can hold you back from pursuing your dreams.

Join Us Today

The Pattern Design Academy® is so much more than an online course. It's a gateway to new possibilities and a hub of creativity and support. Doors are open for the next few days. Spots are limited because keeping the class size small is one of its distinguishing features! Click HERE to learn more.

Join me LIVE this Wednesday, May 15 at noon pacific / 3pm eastern for my weekly Wednesday broadcast about art, creativity and surface design. I’ll be live on my Facebook business page and on my YouTube channel. Bring your questions.

See you there!




It’s Never Too Late to Create®

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


Favorite Quote

Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.


Your Impostor Syndrome Survival Kit


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